Solid waste industry

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our solutions
Solid waste industry
Solid waste industry includes all activities involved in generation, storing, transferring, recycling, and disposal of waste materials.
What we do
Solid waste industry
Unicatecno inclusive solutions for this field
Solid waste refers to the garbage arising from human activities that is useless and unwanted. It is generated from residential, industrial, and commercial activities of people in society. Managing these solid wastes is an important service in any society. This process includes many steps from waste-collecting to its recycling and finally its disposal.
This management should be done in a systematic way to avoid any damage or leakage to the environment. It involves different phases such as planning, administrative, financial, engineering, and legal procedures. This process should be done with complex cooperation across various fields, and that’s why it should be managed often under the decisions of urban managing organizations that have access to multiple resources and different professional abilities.

What is solid waste management?

Waste materials have negative impacts on human health and the environment. The main goal of solid waste management is to reduce and eliminate these impacts to increase the quality of life. It also has many benefits for the economic development of society as diseases and various issues in this process are eliminated. As we mentioned earlier, many procedures and steps are involved in solid waste management that should be done in the most efficient manner possible, to keep costs low.

Unicatecno Company solutions for solid waste management

Unicatecno Company is an engineering company that offers several solutions for solid waste management. These services include various technical and engineering services, providing engineering systems packages, and also procurement of usable systems for these processes. We offer all these solutions regarding our basic values, meaning creativity, affordability, and quality, which are very important in the procedures in which the health of humans and the environment is at stake.

Our company offers integrated systems for this industry that are planned and designed to reduce any risk to society’s health. We also provide planning services for these operations which could be done in an integrated manner without any issue.

Unicatecno Company believes that all solutions that it offers should meet these criteria of creativity, affordability, and the quality at the same time. To achieve this objective, we try to offer the best possible technical options for urban processing systems like solid waste management.

Solid waste management steps

Any waste management system comprises various certain steps. These steps are unavoidable phases in solid waste management that should be done to achieve a healthy society without any waste-related disease or problems.

Waste generation
All activities involved in identifying objects and materials that are not usable anymore are included in this phase. The first step of solid waste management is to find and identify garbages and waste materials that occur in homes, offices, and places of human activities.
Onsite storage and processing
When you identify a waste object, for example, a broken tooth-brush, or a product's package after consuming the product, you will put it in waste bins in your place. That is the second phase in solid waste management. This step is not so much individual, as placing waste bins in various public places is an urban planning task that should be done systematically.
Waste Collection
Waste collection is one of the most important steps in solid waste management that includes placing waste collection bins to separate solid waste from other items, collecting waste from these bins, and bringing them to the place in which they should empty. The process of separating waste materials in public waste bins, and collecting these materials is known as waste collection.
Waste Transport
This process should be done by large waste transport vehicles, which collect waste materials from local locations and transfer them to the regional waste disposal sites. These large vehicles are special purpose machines that are improved for the store and transferring large amounts of waste materials.
Waste processing and recovery
This procedure could be done via various facilities, equipment, and techniques to recover recyclable or reusable materials from other waste materials. This processing is very important to achieve effective results in solid waste management.
Waste Disposal
This is the last step in waste management. Several approaches are used for this purpose with the final goal of disposing of solid waste materials in a suitable safe way for human and environmental health.